Vatican City State





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Vatican City
Vatican City
Vatican City
St. Peter's

The Vatican Museums
The Vatican Museums
The Vatican Library
The Vatican Library

Vatican Radio
Vatican Radio

Music Hall

Vatican gives its
blessing to greatest movies of all time

Vatican Exhibit
The Raphael Stanze
and Loggia


ホーム > World > ヨーロッパ > バチカン市国

[Vatican City State]
人口 > 1000人
面積 > 0.44km2
通貨 > バチカンリラ Vatican lira
言語 > イタリア語、ラテン語、その他
宗教 > ローマカトリック

総合情報 | 観光トラベル | ひと・まち情報 | イベント | ショッピング | ビジネス

[総合情報 - General Information]
The Holy See (Vatican)
バチカンのオフィシャルサイト。 The Holy Father, The Roman Curia, News Services, The Vatican Museums, Archive, Search

Christus Rex et Redemptor Mundi (Vatican)
バチカン、システィーナ、ミュージアム情報ほか。 Vatican city, The Sistine Chapel, The Raphael Stanze and Loggia, The Vatican Museums, Franciscan Cyberspot, Bethlehem, Capharnaum, Nazareth, Splendors of Christendom, Tiananmen...

The World Factbook page on Holy See (USA/CIA)
Map, Flag, Geography, People, Government, Economy, Transportation, Communications, Defense

History of Vatican City -- Primary Documents (USA/EuroDocs)
Primary documents of the Vatican, history, historical

Vatican Exhibit Main Hall
バチカン展示ライブラリー。 Welcome to the Library of Congress Vatican Exhibit. You are in the Main Hall. From here you can go to several rooms.

The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture (Library of Congress)
Preface, Introduction to the Exhibit, Vatican Library, Archaeology, Humanism, Mathematics, Music, Medicine, Nature, Orient to Rome, Rome to China, Acknowledgements for the Rome Reborn exhibit, How to order a copy of Rome Reborn

[観光トラベル情報 - Travel and Sightseeing]
The Vatican State (Al Pellegrino Cattolico)
A short description of the Vatican State and any useful tourist info. The State, Basilca of St. Peter, Map of the Vatican City & St. Peter's, Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel, Vatican Gardens

[ひと・まち情報 - People and Town]
Citta del Vaticano (Michael Olteanu)
Introduction to the San Pietro Basilica with lots of images.

[イベント情報 - Events]
The Holy See > Jubilee 2000 (Vatican City State)
In the Roman Catholic tradition, a Holy Year, or Jubilee is a great religious event. Documents, Calendar of events, Magazine

[ショッピング情報 - Shopping]
Vatican Souvenir Store
The Vatican Souvenir Store for Religious Items. Papal Blessings, Rosaries, CD Sancti Rosarii, Crucifixes, Holy Year 2000 Goods, Clerical Clothing

Al Pellegrino Cattolico s.r.l.
For all of you who wish to buy gifts from Rome and from the Vatican City, we offer a large selection of religious articles and souvenirs.

Vatican CD ROM (Michael Fromstein)
Our new educational CD-ROM entitled "Inside the Vatican", could represent a number of different focuses for you including an educational internet resource.


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