総合情報 | 観光トラベル | ひと・まち | イベント | ショッピング | ビジネス
[総合情報 - General Information]
- Government of Barbados Information Network
- Parliament of Barbados
- 外務省 バルバドス情勢
- CIA - The World Factbook -- Barbados
Introduction, Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues
- Nation Newspaper Barbados
Local Crop Over, Sports , Politics, Business, Life, Editorial, Motor Sport, Environment...
[観光 トラベル - Travel and Sightseeing]
- Barbados Tourism Authority (Barbados)
Barbados: All Holiday and Business travel information. Things to Know and Do. Where to Stay, Eat, Shop. Events, Activities, Maps, Pictures, Stories, People. FREE BARBADOS Brochures - Everything Barbados
- Calypso Rentals (St.James)
Specialising in low - middle budget Villas and Apartments on the West Coast of Barbados.
[ショッピング - Shopping]
- Caribbean Expressions (Christ Church)
Secure online shopping mall selling a wide range of Barbadian products: art, crafts, books, music, videos, mousepads, pottery & ceramics, mahogany products, straw bags, T-shirts, rumcake and much more!
[ビジネス - Business]
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首都 : ブリッジタウン
人口 : 26万人
面積 : 430km2
通貨 : バルバドス・ドル
言語 : 英語 |